Who is wendell and vinnie
Comedy Drama Family. Creator Jay Kogen. Top credits Creator Jay Kogen. See more at IMDbPro. Episodes Browse episodes. Top Top-rated. Photos Top cast Edit. Haley Strode Taryn as Taryn. Angelique Terrazas Lacy as Lacy. Dan Castellaneta Mr. Lipshitz as Mr. Rizwan Manji Aziz as Aziz.
Dan Ahdoot Randall as Randall. Tucker Albrizzi Andrew as Andrew. Heath Gfeller Husband as Husband …. Dana Gould Mr. Middleton as Mr. Middleton …. Nickelodeon taps a familiar face in Trainor for the lead role in this sitcom, and those who knew him as iCarly 's Spencer won't be surprised at how naturally he slips into the role of grown-up slacker Vinnie.
He's hardly parenting material, but Wendell's serious enough for both of them, and the two opposing forces make for some laughable -- if predictable -- exchanges that always wind up having a lesson of some sort for each of them.
With Vinnie's help, Wendell learns to relate a little better to his peers, and Vinnie eventually discovers that there's value in shouldering responsibility after all. But short of poignant moments between this unlikely couple of characters, Trainor's comedic talents account for most of this show's appeal.
The trite content has Wendell and Vinnie often vying for the spotlight, and the fact that Wendell's saddled with keeping Vinnie on the straight and narrow has questionable messages for kids about healthy family relationships. What's more, it glosses over instances of bullying, grief, and kids' social challenges in favor of comedy, missing the opportunity to explore them in a meaningful way for viewers.
Families can talk about this show's presentation of family structure. Who is in charge in this household? How does its structure compare to what you're used to? How do these discrepancies contribute to the show's humor? Single-parent homes are common in TV shows today.
What does this say about our culture as a whole? What other "nontraditional" traits are becoming more accepted in the media today? Discuss in further detail some of the issues touched on by this show, including bullying and the struggle to fit in with peers.
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Lackluster sitcom has mixed messages about parenting. Nickelodeon Comedy Rate TV. Watch or buy. Based on 40 reviews. Based on 69 reviews. Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options Common Sense is a nonprofit organization.
Lipshitz Dan Castellaneta is Wendell and Vinnie's grumpy but well-meaning landlord. Aziz Rizwan Manji is Wilma's ex-boyfriend who owns a magic shop. Guest Characters [ ] TBA. Categories Add category. Cancel Save. Universal Conquest Wiki.