Where to get elixir of minor agility

Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Comments Comment by Thottbot what drops the recipie for this potion? I laughed since my Horde Druid is the one that really wants it. Now my rogue can make the lvl 19 gloves and i'll prob get the 75 s back once i sell the gloves over the next few weeks in Anetheron. Comment by Thottbot Thank God this requires level 2, seeing as how a level 1 with this buff would totally pwn.

At least for the two minutes before he dings Too bad though I'm one of those crazy people who like to complete collections. Hope it comes to me Comment by Allakhazam all i neeed is the recipe. Comment by Allakhazam Who does it sell from in aliance territory if anyone? Comment by Allakhazam Does anyone know where a vendor is that sells this to Alliance? Comment by Allakhazam ;q good for rogue xd. Comment by Allakhazam I've almost never heard of anybody actually gotten one of these previous post here aside.

THe drop rate on it is just pathetic. The only vaguely decent droprate is 0. I wish Blizz would tweak it so that, you know, somebody could actually make them. Comment by Allakhazam Durotar, Skull Rock, killed rare elite inside cave ;. Comment by Allakhazam This page says the supply vendor in SW sells this recipe.

Is this a mistake? I have been buying from her the entire game and never seen this recipe Comment by Allakhazam I tried actually farming for one of these killing hundred of mobs in Darkshore. After giving up, I started running some reg quests with a lvl 14 mage, The first lvl 12 "Blackwood Windtalker" I killed in the Darkshore camp dropped one for me! The prices people charge for this potion is out of this world.. Edited, Wed Jan 12 Comment by Allakhazam If you are Hoard-side on Hyjal and are a leatherworker and need one of these for the gloves, whisper "Deli", with the materials , and I'll make you an elixir of minor agility.

The drop rate on these IS pathetic and unfair especially if your rouge wants some hot new gloves. The cool thing is my rouge, as you would expect, is an upcomming alchamist. The sucky thing is i made him on a seperat server than my main and one of my up comming recipies in leather crafting needs these.

Comment by Allakhazam I heard how hard it was to get this recipe and a guild friend wanted some for his leatherworking. So I listened around and heard that the riverpaws in Elwynn Forest on the border to Westfall drop this one fairly often. So I went there and on the twentieth kill it dropped! So try that area for a bit before giving up or paying an outrageous price at the AH!

Comment by Allakhazam Anybody else as a clue where to find the recipe on the alliance side on frostwolf try every place name here without success please help thanks. Comment by Allakhazam This thing is nuts! Comment by Allakhazam I looted this thing a while back when I was farming. The level requirement is so low I figured it was pretty common so I sold it to an NPC to make room in my inventory. I wish I could undo that and give it to an Alchemist.

Comment by Allakhazam found it on a trogg of some sort just outside thelsamar. View in 3D Find upgrades Quick Facts. Requires Swiftthistle , Silverleaf , Empty Vial. This item can be fished in Ashenvale and Mulgore.


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