Which city after whiterun

Local businesses and services in Whiterun include: the Warmaiden's smithy and weapons store, The Drunken Huntsman tavern and hunting supply store, Belethor's General Goods store, the Arcadia's Cauldron alchemy store and The Bannered Mare inn. The Jarl's Palace, Dragonsreach , is the center of political matters and law enforcement, housing Dragonsreach Dungeon below.

The Jarl's court wizard Farengar Secret-Fire also resides here and has spells and enchanting supplies for sale. He can also teach you the basics of enchanting. The Companions are based in Whiterun, as the city itself was established and expanded around their mead hall, Jorrvaskr.

The Skyforge is worked by the greatest blacksmith in Skyrim, Eorlund Gray-Mane , who forges weapons and armor for the Companions. This ancient forge predates even Jorrvaskr and is said by Eorlund to produce the finest steel found anywhere in Tamriel.

For more information about Whiterun, see the lore article. Jump to: navigation , search. Skyrim and Solstheim Settlements. Whiterun in Whiterun Hold view on map. Hall of the Dead Jorrvaskr Temple of Kynareth. Amren's House Amren Braith Saffir. Hulda Mikael Saadia Sinmir. Brenuin Lucia HF. The first time you show up at the gate, a couple of guards will attempt to extort you. An underground area known as the Ratway is the heart and soul of Riften though.

Markarth is absolutely teeming with character. One of the best quests in the game actually involves teaming up with them to escape from prison, although not everybody knows about your cooperation, so other groups will still attack you as you traverse the mountainous terrain of the wild Reach. The town itself is huge, featuring a massive stairs that goes the whole way up to Understone Keep - which, by the way, has lots of friendly dogs, making it the most wholesome place in all of Skyrim.

The area around Markarth is what makes it truly special though, boasting probably the most impressive open plains in the whole game. However, its also home to the College of Winterhold, which is the most celebrated academy of the arcane arts in the whole of Skyrim. This is a fantastic questline that makes trekking the whole way up well worth your while. Signus was driven to insanity after studying the Elder Scrolls, but because of his knowledge, you need to pay him a visit during the main quest.

However, one of the most interesting places near Windhelm is the Sacellum of Boethiah. It costs gold, but Solstheim is an incredible place located in Morrowind that you should absolutely visit. Why do you suggest I avoid Riften? User Info: Locke Friend code More topics from this board Here's why. Build 1 Answer how do i get infinite magika please help i need to do big fights with bosses and im level 9 almost ten please help!!!? Side Quest 1 Answer how can i get infinite damage on ps4?

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